i can STICK Activity Books


This awesome sticker book is perfect for little ones who are just starting to sticker! It uses simple, shaped stickers and bright, bold illustrations to reinforce children’s shape awareness and hand-eye coordination. The colorful pages and clear instructions allow children to make beautiful works of art they can be proud of. A FUN STICKER BOOK WITH SHAPED STICKERS THAT ARE PERFECT FOR LITTLE HANDS!

An engaging first sticker book for young minds
Shaped stickers are perfect for little hands to use
Bright, bold illustrations and simple shapes help develop color and shape recognition

Dimensions    8.46 × 11.02 × 0.39 in

Type: Sticker Activity Book

Age Group: 3+

Category: Activity and Coloring

Illustrator: Scott Barker

Range: I Can Stick

Number of Pages: 96 pp

Extra Information: inc. 32 pp stickers