Guess Who Card Game


It's a twist on Guess Who? gameplay with cards!

In this version of the Guess Who? game, players lay out their Character cards in front of them and choose a Mystery Character from the Mystery deck. Then each player asks their opponent a yes or no question, and the answer gets them closer to who's on their opponent's Mystery card. When they think they know who their opponent's Mystery Character is, players make a guess. A correct guess makes that player the winner. If they guess incorrectly, that player loses the game!

This quick-playing card game is a convenient way to let your kids take the Guess Who? game with them when traveling or visiting a friend's house.

  • Includes 40 face cards, 20 Mystery Cards, and instructions.
  • Kids can enjoy a twist on classic Guess Who? gameplay with this fun, fast card game
  • Travel friendly
  • For 2 Players

Ages 5 and up