Exit: The Professor's Last Riddle


Still reeling from the news of your favorite archaeology professor’s passing, you have been enlisted in a rather peculiar assignment. It seems that instead of a will, he’s left an envelope with some postcards and a series of clues. Grab your passports — you’re about to embark on a global treasure hunt! Can you solve the riddles and uncover the mystery of the professor’s legacy?

About the game:

A series of fun and challenging escape-room and mystery-solving games for the home; timed riddle-solving games with imaginary scenarios
Completely card-based and unplugged — no apps or software needed!
Requires out-of-the-box thinking ... literally! Some components may be marked up, folded, torn, or otherwise manipulated during gameplay

This game can be played only one time because you must markup, fold, and tear the game materials to solve the crime.

Difficulty Rating: 3 of 5

Ages 12 and up

Note: This is a single-play game.